Moments at KubeCon NA 2019
This post is mostly a collection of tweets. Here are all the texts, but I’ve added links for the original content.
Jet lag around the corner
#KubeCon San Diego in less than a week! Trying Timeshifter + Jet Lag Rooster + Sleep Cycle, let’s see if it’s easier this time. →
Breakfast at San Diego
@idealhack said he wants something real. →
Contributor Celebration Night
Got the blackout in the Bingo game at #kcsna2019 tonight! Did I just get the best #KubeCon swag on day -1? →
Contributor Summit
Kubernetes Contributors, our summit #kcsna2019 at #KubeCon is happening now! Go right when you see the sign and follow along downstairs, if you have any questions, ask in the contributor-summit channel on! →
opening session happening #kcsna2019 →
Kelsey Hightower: Reflections
Chop Wood Carry Water
Feel so honored to receive the award! We are all being inspired and inspiring others. →
Kubeyland on Friday
#kubeyland fireworks →
Echoes back in Japan
Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo #26 #k8sjp →
ラストは @idealhack さんによるk8sリリースについてのRecap! #k8sjp →
Slides here Be sure to watch the original talk by @guincodes and @LachlanEvenson →